DNA – Nutrigenomics

What is DNA?

Our DNA is what makes us who we are. It is a library of instructions that provides
the blueprint for our body’s development, functioning and growth of organisms.
Our genetics can play a vital role in our overall health and well-being, but are not
your destiny! Let’s think of this as Nature vs Nurture, life’s biggest challenge. What
can we do personally to try and work with our body to prevent longer term health
conditions? If you knew how to prevent long-term health issues, wouldn’t you take action? Well, DNA is the answer to this first instructional step to understanding your body’s

Understanding Genetic Predispositions

Understanding our genetic predispositions plays a crucial role in managing our health on a day-to-day basis. By adopting better habits and integrating them into our lifestyle, we can effectively keep harmful mutated genes at bay and reduce the risk of potential health issues. Mutated genes are those that may have a negative impact on our health. A useful analogy is that of a light bulb switching on and off. Turning a light switch on represents the activation or expression of a gene, while turning it off represents the suppression or inhibition of gene expression. We have the ability to influence gene activation or suppression through lifestyle changes, keeping harmful genes “switched off” and preventing mutations from triggering negative health effects. For instance, a mutated COMT gene can increase susceptibility to stress, potentially leading to adrenal fatigue, inflammation, high blood pressure, and chronic heart disease if left unaddressed. However, regular exercise, wearing non-irritating clothing, practicing stress management techniques like meditation, and staying calm during stressful situations can help keep the mutated COMT gene inactive. As a result, this reduces your risk of experiencing the associated health conditions.

How does the testing work?

YourGutMap offers a simple at-home saliva swab that is sent to their Lab for
analysis. Through complex genetic analysis, YourGutMap identifies your genes.
YourGutMap specifically measures 30 SNP’s (genetic variations) that have been
researched within the nutrigenomics field.

DNAMap explores your personal genetic profile within the context of 8 elements
of health and well-being: digestion, metabolism, stress, immunity, nutrients,
stimulants, exercise and sleep.

Charlotte Fraser Naturopathic Nutrition DNA Nutrigenomics: Your DNA Map


What do DNA Results Look Like?

We know DNA tests can be complicated to understand; however YourGutMap provides
an insight into the aspects of your DNA, whilst explaining its role to your bodily
function. Additionally, YourGutMap will highlight whether you have a genetic mutation
(RED) whilst offering a page reference within the Nutrition & Lifestyle Guide (NLG)
which provides guidance on how to manage your diet and lifestyle in accordance
with your genetic makeup. Furthermore, it offers basic insights such as how well you tolerate caffeine, how your genes are suited to digestion, micronutrient absorption, exercise, and more.

Charlotte Fraser Naturopathic Nutrition DNA Nutrigenomics: Unlock personalised health solutions and optimize your nutrition with DNA insights


How is my DNA data protected?

Knowing what happens with your data is very important to YourGutMap and they
take your privacy seriously. Each DNA sample is destroyed after testing, and your
data is completely anonymous, with a unique barcode ID.

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DNA Test Sample Collection Home to Laboratory Testing Kit